Celebrating 40 Years

Contact Us

If you would like to speak with someone directly, please contact the HCIT Customer Care Team at (800) 644-4334 or e-mail admin@hcitins.com. Our business hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST), Monday through Friday. Any of our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to assist you, but if you would like to speak with the CSR for your state they are as follows:

For after-hours emergency assistance, agents may call 1-800-644-4334, extension 331, and leave a message for HCIT Program Administrator, Greg Kingdon. Your message will be returned within half a business day.

All U.S. Mail correspondence ought to be directed to:

Trustco, Inc. – HCIT Program Administrator 
2735 East Parleys Way - Suite 303
Salt Lake City, UT 84109-1666